Research to define responsible data stewardship

Client: Open Data Institute

July 22 - March 23

Ed worked for the Open Data Institute (ODI) on a Patrick J McGovern Foundation-funded project to define the concept of "responsible data stewardship". For some time, the ODI has used the term "data stewardship" in their policy and research work, but with the continued identification of harms associated with data use, there was a recognition of the need to further define the bounds by which data stewardship was "responsible."

He worked embedded in the ODI team and interviewed a number of experts in the field exploring issues around data responsibility practices and developed understanding of the underlying narratives about and values that underpin ideas of 'responsibility'. Part of this work led the team to consider some of the underlying narratives about the use of data, such as data ownership.

As the main output of the work the new definition states that responsible data stewardship is:

"an iterative, systemic process of ensuring that data is collected, used and shared for public benefit, mitigating the ways that data can produce harm, and addressing how it can redress structural inequalities."

The hope is that the wider industry will adopt this definition and open up further discussions about how their use of data can redress structural inequalities, reduce harm and maximise public benefit.

This work built on previous work undertaken by EMERGING FIELD for the ODI to develop their offer to data institutions.





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